I recently made an attempt to de-spamify my life by switching my email addresses. Then, when buying some concert tickets I accidentally forgot to "uncheck" the 'contact me with spam' box. Now I'm on Clear Channel's spam list.
When I got the first spam from them, I tried to unsubscribe from their mailing list using the link provided for this purpose. That didn't work -- the link was broken or something. I tried again the next time and was forwarded to the a page at 3592.com where I clicked a 'remove' button and was assured that my address has been removed. (I usually heed warnings not to do this, but I figure that Clear Channel is a legitimate business and wouldn't behave like a rank spammer).
Well, I got another spam from them today. I replied to it with a note saying that I didn't want any more mail from them, and that I plan to boycott Clear Channel until they correct the problem.
Posted by Brent Marykuca at September 18, 2003 04:19 PM