January 23, 2006

Moving Day

Well, it was about two and a half years ago that I started experimenting with blogging by installing Movable Type on my web host. During that time I've blogged intermittently on a variety of topics, mostly to try out the technology and play with some tools. It's fun having your own blog/website, so I've mostly enjoyed it. Of course, the downside is having to administer the system.

Especially the comment/trackback spam. I wanted to upgrade to a version of MT that would be a little better at dealing with it (or at least one that didn't have bugs that would let the spammers hack the system and destroy my posts), but later versions of MT required payment for the kind of thing that I was doing (I was hosting three blogs with a total of two authors) and I didn't feel like shelling out for something that I considered a minor experiment. So, I turned off comments, but I really wished that I had them again. Especially when I became aware that some folks were actually reading my blog.

When MarsEdit recently got revved with slightly better Blogger support, I made a snap decision to move my blog over to Blogger and let them deal with the hosting part of it. So, I've spent some time this evening moving the last year or so's posts over to my Blogger account. For future reference you can find my periodic scribbles over at Brent's Two Cents at Blogspot. So, please visit me over there/here and leave a comment to say hi if you like.

Don't forget to update your RSS readers! (What? You don't use an RSS reader?!)

Posted by Brent Marykuca at January 23, 2006 10:57 PM