May 07, 2003

Only in the USA You Say...Pity!

itunes_store.gifAs you may have read online, Apple's new iTunes Music Store sold over one million songs in its first week of operation. At US$ .99, that is US$ 990,000 or C$ 1,394,119. I don't know about you, but that's the closest thing to a licence to print money I've seen since, eBay. I am kind of glad that the iTunes Music Store isn't available in Canada yet, I don't think we could afford it. Plus, Rosie's first-generation 5GB iPod is certainly not big enough so we would have to get a bigger one.

I found this cool link for streaming music through iTunes 4. It's called iTunes Music Database. It is a list of servers that iTunes 4 can connect to. One I check out had over 2000 songs on it! Pretty much every Beatles song you can think of, which is nice, considering they aren't available to purchase at the iTunes Music Store!

itrip.jpgSpeaking of iPods. We are desperately waiting on our iTrip. It's an iPod powered FM transmitter, that lets you listen to your iPod on your car stereo, home stereo or any other FM stereo you may have. It is an incredibly beautiful design that complements the iPod beautifully, although I'm not quite sure they will work as nicely with the new iPods, since Apple has moved the Firewire port to the bottom of the unit. They started shipping them May 1st, but still no word from the computer store.

Posted by Craig Marykuca at May 7, 2003 12:05 AM