May 21, 2003

Just Like Everything Else...

Well, it's official. Just like everything else, I have let the weblog decay to nothing in only 2 weeks! I thought it would be a little longer before I lost interest but it turns out things were conspiring against me. The main reason is that I am having problems with Safari (my brower of choice) not refreshing properly so that I have to use IE to do any entries (like this one). Therefore, it isn't likely that I will, on a whim, whip off an entry because it would involve the arduous task of launching a second browser. I know that it is only a few seconds of my life, but I find that those few seconds are enough to rob me of any motivation that I may have had.

I am really going to try and be a little more disciplined about the blog. I may set aside a few minutes a couple of times a week to at least make some sort of effort. Maybe, if for no other reason than to practice my typing.

Posted by Craig Marykuca at May 21, 2003 07:53 PM