September 14, 2003

I'm In So Much Trouble

I realized today that I am in for a world full of hurt tomorrow. hockeyLet me start by saying that I fully intended to try and maintain some level of fitness over the summer. I figured that I would be chasing Alexei around the park or doing lots of walking or maybe even doing a little physical labour around the house. That might not keep me in shape but it might slow the decay of my previous fitness level. I distinctly remember one day sitting on the floor in Alexei's room actually stretching while he was busy playing with his toys, thinking that I really should be doing this more often. I am getting older, you know, and will be turning thirty five a month from now. Yikes! At any rate, all good intentions aside, I have been anywhere from mildly inactive to pretty much immobile all summer long. Tomorrow that all changes.

The first night of floor hockey is usually pretty tame. All the guys haven't seen too much of each other over the summer so the first part of the alloted time is eaten up with the usual chit chat. Most of the guys, myself included, have probably put on a few pounds so we won't be moving too fast to start. These are all good things. I might actually stand a chance of not hurting myself too much. I'll let you know how it goes....

Posted by Craig Marykuca at September 14, 2003 08:43 PM