A free download for .Mac members, iBlog promised to be a "blogger for the rest of us". It has some nice features, integrates nicely with the iLife suite of software, but it is painfully short in one aspect that I like to use. I like adding images pulled from various sites to add a little flavour to my blog. iBlog lets you add images (as well as sound, movies and other things too) but I can't seem to edit any of the attributes like alignment or hspace and vspace. Unfortunately, this makes for ugly blogs, with weird line spacing and images all higgledy-piggledy all over the place. If they could make it a little more savvy in that department I would use it in a snap.
Also, it only publishes to .Mac iDisks or locally so I can't update this blog with it anyway. Maybe I can use it for text only stuff or maybe not at all. Oh well, the price is right.