My two-and-a-half year old son's speech development is coming along quite nicely. He does, however, have an interesting dialect. I assume all young children have an accent that only their parents can understand. When you are around people that haven't heard your child speak you have to act as a translator. You get a lot of, "What did he say?", from people who aren't clued in to his pseudo-words. I thought I'd post a little Alexei to English dictionary of my favorites.
woe-tares | upstairs | |
odd-e-gon | octogon | |
nak | snack | |
dee-vee-dee | VHS cassette tape | |
mile | smile | |
lexi | Alexei |
He also does some things I find amusing. He likes to name everyone that is in a room or sitting at a table. He often starts with himself and then works his way around the table. He was at playgroup the other day and was having a "nak" when he thought he would name all the kids around his particular table. The only problem was, he doesn't actually know any of their names. He remedied this in this manner. He started by pointing to himself and saying "Lexi" and then "Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby" all the way around the table. He uses "Baby" to describe any other kid he doesn't know, even if they are older or bigger than he is.
This also occurred in another situation that was fairly comical. While at Kindergym, he was sitting on top of the slide waiting for the child who had just slid down to get out of the way. The child took too long and so Alexei spouted "Look out, Baby!" and then proceeded to slide.
These are the occasions that you want to remember, but as you are inundated with things to try and remember, you end up forgetting. So hopefully, by sharing them, you can remind me when I'm older.