February 20, 2004

But I Remember Christmas?

Well, for those of you who don't know, tomorrow is Hockey Day In Canada. All six Canadian teams are playing against one of the other Canadian teams, all at separate times, all on television, starting at 11:00 PST. First Calgary plays Ottawa, then the classic match up of Montreal vs. Toronto, and to end it all Edmonton plays Vancouver.hdic logo

For the past 3 years, as far as I can remember, there has been some version of HDIC, and I always plan on taking the day off work to celebrate. Every year I forget the exact date, this year I remembered. Saturday, February 21, 2004. The only problem is I remembered on Friday, February 22, 2004 at 10:30PM, much too late to book off for a holiday. Damn!!! DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!!!

Oh well, maybe next year. If there IS hockey next year. Maybe, the year after.

Posted by Craig Marykuca at February 20, 2004 10:28 PM