It's been a while since I've had anything worth posting but with the recent addition to my family of a baby girl, I find that there are probably numerous topics of which I could write.
After a long wait, Anika Jolene Marykuca-Vidal arrived at 4:53 AM on Saturday, July 3rd, 2004. The labour/birth was fairly quick by conventional standards the details of which I won't go into now. Suffice it to say that I am now being, once again, bombarded with challenges like finding time to sleep. It is much harder this time. We've got a three year old that is trying to "drop his nap", which was when I was hoping to get mine. The only reason I have time to post anything now is because my wife and new baby are asleep and the boy is watching a video, which requires very little supervision.
So, it looks like I may get the chance to keep my blog alive...with a little help from my son.