Blue's Clues LIVE!
We just got home an hour ago from taking the kid(s) to see the live performance of Blue's Clues. As you may or may not know, Alexei was a huge Blue's Clues fan. He used to watch it pretty much exclusively and he knows all the clues from most of the episodes, be they with Joe or Steve. He used to act it out when he watched it, he even went out for Hallowe'en dressed as Steve.

Anyway, back to the show. It was pretty good, I suppose. For stretching a half-hour children's TV show into a two (2) hour live performance, it was barely entertaining for the adults but the kids seemed to like it.
We arrived at the new Save-on-Foods Memorial Center at around 6:20PM for the show which was scheduled to start at 7:00 PM. It was a very long 40 minute wait for the show to start, made longer by the fact that the show didn't actually get under way until almost 7:10PM. Much to my chagrin there was an intermission 45 minutes into the program. Which extended the whole evening of entertainment by another 15 minutes. If you ever get the chance to take small children to a live show that starts at or after the children's regular bedtime, I highly recommend thinking twice before jumping at that opportunity. Alexei was pretty good all things considered, he was very excited and had a pretty good time. He probably would have had a lot more fun if he hadn't been fighting off a bout of diarrhea half way through the second half.
I'm still waiting for one of these excursions to actually be enjoyable for me. It's a lot of effort carting the family about and trying to contain the almost-four year old and a ten month old baby, all the while sitting on very uncomfortable chairs. I'm physically exhausted. I don't know, maybe these outings never will be enjoyable for me, but there is always hope. I must admit that I had to smile a couple of times as I watched my little boy glowing with excitement as he got to sing and yell to help Joe find the clues. Blue's Clues.
Posted by Craig Marykuca at May 4, 2005 10:49 PM