September 23, 2005

A Sad Day...


I'm sorry to announce that my first iMac, a 450MHz Ruby DV+, died today. It was on it's way out to be sure but I can't help thinking that it was feeling neglected and just decided to give up the ghost rather than hang on to it's occasional usage. The CD-ROM drive ceased to function reliably over a year ago, so much so I had to boot it into target disk mode to install the last operating system I put on it, OS X 10.3 "Panther". The display was starting to fade on one side and, quite honestly, after viewing my new 20" iMac G5's display, it looked rather small and fuzzy.

I got my monies worth out of that computer. It spent most of it's entire lifespan powered up and working on something. It put in more that 11000 hours of Seti@Home time. That's 556 units for those familiar with the program.

I will be removing the RAM and hard disk and then take it somewhere for "recycling".

So we are now a one computer family again. It's weird. We used to have three. Now there is actually a queue to use the iMac G5. It's 10:20 PM and everyone else is asleep. So now I get my turn...

Posted by Craig Marykuca at September 23, 2005 01:14 AM