pltool - Command line interface to property list files, useful for scripting.
pltool [--version | --credits | --help]
pltool <path> [get | exists | type | delete | count | keys] <keypath>
pltool <path> set <keypath> <value> {<type>}
<path> | is a full or relative path to a plist file (eg. "foo.plist"). |
<keypath> | is a string that specifies a path to a property list member, using C-like syntax for arrays and dictionaries. Keypaths can be null or omitted if the root plist item is not a dictionary or array. This is admittedly rare. See examples. |
<value> | is a string value to be written to the specified property list key. |
<type> | is an optional tag that indicates what type the value string should be interpreted as. Values are -string (the default), -integer, -float, -boolean, -data, and -date. |
<options> | is additional flags depending on specific command. The only
option currently defined is: Where <timezone> is a Time Zone name or abbreviation or the value 'system' which uses the system time zone. |
Return Codes
pltool returns 0 on success and other values on failure.
get | Retrieves the value at the keypath and writes it to standard output. |
exists | Tests if a value exists at the keypath. Returns 0 if so. |
type | If the keypath exists, writes one of the following strings to standard output: Array, Boolean, Data, Date, Dictionary, Number, String. |
delete | Removes the value at the keypath. |
count | If the value at the keypath is an array or dictionary, writes the number of elements contained within the structure. |
keys | When the value at the keypath is a dictionary, writes a space-separated list of the dictionary's keys to standard output. |
set | Sets the value of the item at keypath to the specified value (and type, if specified. Intermediate values are created if necessary, including array elements. |
pltool foo.plist set MyDictionary.MyArray[3] 3.14159 -float
Creates foo.plist if necessary, and a nested dictionary and array and stores the value 3.14 as a floating point value in the fourth array element (the first three elements are null strings.
pltool foo.plist count MyDictionary.MyArray
Writes the number of elements of MyArray to stdout. (Will be 4 after earlier command.)
Version History
Download version 2 (28 KB).
© 2005-2006 by Brent Marykuca. You are free to use and redistribute this program in any way you wish. This work is distributed on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. Please report bugs to the address given in pltool --credits.